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Available on Zoom

Bands of Power

Five luminous bands woven around your energy body creating a powerful field of protection around you

1 h 15 min
165 US dollars

Service Description

Receive a deep cleansing of your luminous energy body and a powerful Andean energetic transmission and initiation called the Bands of Power. Five luminous bands with the life force energy of each element: earth, water, fire, air and light are woven around your body and activated. These energetic bands create a powerful field of protection around you, acting as filters dissolving Hucha - heavy dense energies including emotions, helping you to process these on an energetic level before they reach your physical body - in essence they do the work for you. They also empower you and strengthen your connection with nature. You will receive wisdom teachings and have a direct experience of sensing each band as it is installed, learning how to work with them and keeping them energized so they can deeply support you.

Terms & Conditions

You may cancel or reschedule your session on your account on this site up to 24 hours before the start time. All purchases are non-refundable, however, we do understand emergencies and unforeseen circumstances sometimes happen. If you need to cancel or reschedule after this time frame, please contact us so we may assist you. With Munay, Sarah

Contact Details


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